We at the Roberts Insurance Group want you to know that protecting the important stuff inside your home begins with knowing what you have. Your homeowner policy can’t adequately address a loss if you don’t know what you have. To recognize and validate how much stuff you own, develop a careful inventory of your personal property following these tips. 1. Use a video camera to record and audibly describe items as you move through your home. If video equipment is not
Most people have certain items they just can’t imagine ever losing, possessions they deeply cherish or that would be very expensive to replace. While your homeowners insurance is invaluable for covering the loss or destruction of many of your belongings (and damage to the structure as well), your policy might provide only partial coverage for your most cherished items. The good news is that you can still protect the things that matter to you most, even if their not fully covered under
We are proud of being a past winner of the prestigious Venice Area Chamber of Commerce “Business of the Year” award and consistently being voted “Best of the Best” by readers of the Venice Gondolier Sun. Over the years our dedicated staff has provided two past Venice Area Chamber Presidents, a Venice City Councilman, a Past President of Venice Area Beautification Inc., numerous board members for organizations like Habitat For Humanity and the All Faiths Food Bank to name just
The Roberts Nationwide Insurance Agency was created in 1983 by Wayne A. Roberts and his wife Karen in a small office in the strip center next to the Hatchett Creek bridge. As the agency grew it was joined by two Associate Agents, first Mick Gardner in 1992 and a year later by Bill Willson. The expansion necessitated a move to larger quarters in Southbridge Park in 1994. The agency continued to grow aquiring additional office space at that location until