
Yes, Even More New Cyber Risks For us to Worry About

Cyber security isn’t just about social media passwords and credit card information anymore. More and more everyday devices are being created that include built-in Web connectivity. According to Cisco, there will be 50 billion Web-connected devices in use worldwide by the end of the decade. The list includes everything from medical devices, to home automation, smart appliances and even connected vehicles. Having our everday lives so digitally connected to the wider world, opens up a whole host of new opportunites for

The Five Most Common Shortcomings of your Homeowner Policy

1. You did extensive remodeling or additions and forgot to inform your agent of likely increased replacement cost. 2. You insured only to cover the amount of the mortgage. Here in our area this would be unlikely as Florida carriers require the home be insured to full replacement value. Many will give a cushion accepting as low as 80% at the time of loss, but below that and you are in for a penalty on how much will be paid.

Back to School & Bicycle Safety

Back to school time means time to give your kids a refresher on bicycle safety. Dare I say that means setting a good example yourself. * Make sure your child wears a properly fitted helmet every time he or she rides a bike. * Regularly do a quick inspection to ensure their bike is working properly and reflectors are in place. * Instruct your kids how to ride on the right side of the road with traffic flow and to stay as far

Back to School Safety

The end of summer means many things, but most important, it means kids are headed back to school. So…. Use caution on the roads * There are going to be a lot more kids on the sidewalks and streets when school starts, so take it slow and always be aware of your surroundings. That’s good advice for all situations, of course, but be extra cautious around the times when school starts and ends for the day. * Watch out for school zones!

How to Prepare Your Boat for a Hurricane – Part 3

Moving Your Watercraft If your plan is for moving your watercraft, try to move it at least 48 to 72 hours before the hurricane or storm is estimated to strike the area. This may even be before a hurricane watch is issued. Make sure that: * Fuel tanks are full. * Fuel filters are clean. * Batteries are charged. * Bilges are clean. * Cockpit drains arre clear and open. * Firefighting equipment is in good condition, in place and readily accessible. Remove and/or secure all deck gear,

How to Prepare Your Boat for a Hurricane – part 2

Continuing the discussion about how to prepare your boat PRIOR to the storm… For Smaller, Lightweight Boats * Determine what you need to do to load and haul your boat to a safer area. * Be sure your tow vehicle is capable of properly moving the boat. * Check the condition of your trailer tires, bearings and axle. Too often a flat tire, frozen bearing or broken axle prevent moving the boat. * Once at a safe place, lash your boat to the trailer and

How to Prepare Your Boat for a Hurricane: part 1

The key to protecting your boat from hurricanes or any severe weather is planning, preparation and timely action. Most of the work is done PRIOR to the storm. Generally, you from 12 to 24 hours to take action after bad weather is predicted or a hurricane warning is issued. But the key is to HAVE A PLAN ahead of time. BEFORE THE STORM HITS * Make sure your plan includes a list of equipment and supplies needed to carry out your plan. *

Florida vs Storm Surge

Not surprisingly, a recent analysis of storm surge potential by global property analytics provider, CoreLogic, revealed Florida has the highest number of properties at risk with 2,488,277. A distant second is Louisana with 738,165 followed by New York, New Jersey, and Texas, all in the mid 400,000’s. Also not surprising, of the top ten metro areas at risk for hurricane storm surge damage, Florida has five of them. #10 Naples #7 Bradenton #6 Cape Coral #3 Tampa #2 Miami I guess

Tips For Hurricane Season

Preparing early for a severe weather event like a hurricane is key because many of the most important preparation steps cannot be done at the last minute. Furthermore, once a hurricane is reported, homeowners will be competing for a limited supply of critical materials and resources such as gasoline, generators, tarps, boards, and bottled water. Taking proper precautions, collecting emergency supplies and creating a family evaculation plan are just a few ways homeowners can remove a little stress from an

Help Make Driving Safer And Pleasant

Now that we are in the Summer Travel Season you can help make driving in and around the Venice area safer and more pleasant for everyone. Simply pledge yourself to be a more courteous driver. A new Safeco Insurance survey found that more than four out of five drivers have experienced others’ aggressive driving behavior, and it impacted them negatively. Only 36 percent of those surveyed admitted to driving aggressively. Yet, 85 percent described other drivers as aggressive,